Online Agreement for the Course: Award in International Climate Change Law

This contract is entered into under the Malta Electronic Commerce Act.


This agreement shall govern the relationship between Mediterranean Academy of Culture, Technology and Trade with license number 2020-05, hereinafter referred as ā€˜the educational institutionā€™ and the student who purchased the course “Award in International Climate Change Law” on the website page , hereinafter referred to as ā€˜the studentā€™. By accepting an offer to study at the institution and by completing the process of registration and enrolment of Course Award in International Climate Change Law, the institution and the student are agreeing to abide by the terms of this agreement.

1. Entry into force

The terms of this online agreement will become effective upon registration and payment to the institution of the fees for the educational programme quoted in Clause 3.

Under Maltese law, this contract is formed electronically and cannot be denied legal effect merely by reason of being wholly or partly in electronic form. Any offer, acceptance of an offer and any related communication, including any subsequent amendment, cancellation or revocation of the offer and the acceptance of the contract may, unless otherwise agreed by the parties to the contract, be communicated electronically (Article 9, Electronic Commerce Act).

Where the Student places the order with technological means, this contract start when, after placing the order, the student receives the confirmation of receipt of the order from the educational institution (article 10, law on electronic commerce). The order and the return receipt are considered received when the subjects to whom they are addressed can access them.

2. The educational programme

i. Name of the educational programme: Award in International Climate Change Law
ii. Awarding Body: Mediterranean Academy of Culture, Technology and Trade
iii. EQF/MQF Level: 6
iv. Number of ECTS: 8
v. Duration: 92 hours
vi. Commencement date: 12th September 2024
vii. Termination date: 28th February 2025
viii. Total Learning Hours: 200 hours
ix. Mode of Delivery: Online
x. Mode of Attendance: Part-time
xi. Language of Instruction: English
xii. Addresses where the programme will be delivered: N/D
xiii. Addresses where the placement/clinical training will take place: N/D
xiv. Entry Requirements for the educational programme:
The entry requirement for this course is an MQF Level 6/7 in one of the following areas:
– law;
– political science;
– international relations;
– economics;
– business;
– administration;
– science (with working knowledge of climate or sustainable topics);
– humanities;
– environment (with a specific understanding of sustainability or climate change);
– sustainability;
– finance;

or professionals, policy makers, government officials, regulatory authorities, NGOs, researchers, local government officials (with a minimum MQF Level 6) who want to acquire skills set for working in climate change law and climate solutions.

Moreover, the course will be taught in English; therefore, a B2 level of English is required for participants who are not mother language, to ensure the successful and effective understanding of the training.

xv. Structure of the programme:


xvi. The intended learning outcomes:

  1. Find the main sources, principles and rules of international climate and the emerging international architecture for the governance of renewable energy resources;
  2. Draw the interactions of the commitments under both regimes and the new opportunities they create for the promotion of sustainable energy and energy efficiency;
  3. Promotion of basic climate change science literacy;
  4. Describe the international climate change regime (UNFCCC/Kyoto Protocol) and its related legal mechanisms; the legal obligations deriving from the climate regime and affecting the energy sector (a major source of emissions); the international regulation of renewable energy sources and their support and an assessment of the existing trade barriers (which may see their application to the pursuit of statesā€™ climate goals)raised for the defense of climate change;
  5. Apply the most recent scientific studies concerning climate change and climate resilient technology;
  6. Design statutes, regulations, policy papers relevant to climate and environmental policy and challenges;
  7. Show Excellent analytical, research and writing skills with attention to details and data available under the UN Environmental Agencies;
  8. Prepare, defend and amend environmental projects or proposals;
  9. Build an internal database of consulting tools, templates, research, and case studies;
  10. Conduct source evaluation;
  11. Identify and counter climate disinformation.

xvii. The teaching, learning and assessment procedures:

The training programme is made of six modules which are delivered in 20 weeks, with part-time evening classes. Lessons will be held online, with live sessions. Students will be provided with Power Point presentations as well as detailed hand-outs and other materials useful to support their learning experience, especially considering the legal aspect of the course.

Participants will be assessed by means of:

  • A Multiple-Choice Test, at the end of each module, with questions about the topics covered during it. Each Multiple-Choice test will last 1 hour and will be done directly on the MACTT VLE.
  • A final essay assignment about concerning a critical analysis of a set of climate change instruments with a length of maximum four thousand words, submitted at the end of the module 6.

Moreover, attendance at classes is compulsory for 80%of the overall course.

Only students with 80% of attendance can access to the final assessment.

The minimum passing grade for each module is set at 50%.

Therefore, the assessment methods and weightings are as follow:

  • Multiple Choice Tests: 30%, 5% for each test.
  • Written Assignment: 70%.

xviii. Academic qualifications leading to a regulated profession: N/D

xix. The grading system: The assessment methods and weightings are as follow: Multiple Choice Tests: 30%, 5% for each test. Written Assignment: 70%

xx. The educational fees: 850 euros (eight hundred and fifty euros)

3. Cancellation and Refund Procedures

A student may exercise the right to be refunded the tuition fees when the course has not started.

This agreement does not preclude the student from taking further action under the Consumer Affairs Act (Cap378 Laws of Malta).

The training will start if the minimum number of 10 (ten) students enrolled is reached. The institute reserves the right to start the course even with a lower number of students.

The student may request cancellation from the course before the start of the programme and obtain a monetary refund of fees already paid, in all cases of serious circumstances, health reasons, and other cases that are not under the student’s direct control, but which can be verified by MACTT upon presentation of documentary proof by the student.
To obtain a refund, the student must complete and send the refund form at this link: Click here

MACTT, after receiving the request for early cancellation, will assess it within 7 days and notify the student by e-mail of the outcome of the decision.

Refund requests will also be considered when the course has already started. In this case, the refund may not exceed 40% of the amount paid.

MACTT reserves the right, in all cases of cancellation request, to issue a voucher to the student, of equal value to the amount paid, with a duration of 1 year, to be used to participate in another course.

Refunds accepted will be paid by MACTT exclusively by bank transfer. Bank fees for collection and reimbursement will not be reimbursed.

4. Duties of the Educational Institution

The educational institution shall:

(i) Provide to the student the teaching, assessment and other educational services for which the student is enrolled and the educational institution shall take all the steps which are reasonably in its power to provide these educational services in accordance with the terms of this agreement.
(ii) Guarantee the studentsā€™ rights, including the right to obtain assessment results upon the student having completed all the necessary assessment requirements of the programme or parts thereof.
(iii) Advice the intended overseas students of their duty to furnish the educational institution with any change in their contact details, which include their residential address and telephone number in Malta as well as a contact address overseas, following the completion of their studies.

5. Duties of the Student

The student shall:

(i) Disclose to the educational institution full and accurate academic and personal information as required for applications for admission, registration, and enrollmen purposes.
(ii) Inform the educational institution if there is any change to the academic or personal information that was provided at admission, registration or enrolment stage as soon as is reasonably practicable.
(iii) Fulfill all the academic requirements of the educational programme; including participating in lectures/tutorials or other guided-learning activities, submitting coursework/assignments on time, participate in course-related activities and adequately prepare and sit for examinations/assessment.
(iv) Abide by any statutes, regulations, rules and policies which are in place in the educational institution, and which apply to students.
(v) Overseas students shall furnish the educational institution with any change in their contact details, which include their residential address and telephone number in Malta as well as a contact address overseas, following the completion of their studies.

6. Institutionā€™s Default Clauses

The institution is in default and hence obliged to refund the student with the tuition fees which have been paid and any other expenses, such as travel and accommodation expenses, incurred for the purpose of studying in Malta, when:

(i) The educational programme does not start on the agreed starting day;
(ii) The educational programme ceases to be provided at any time after it starts but before it is completed;
(iii) The educational programme is not provided in full to the student due to a condition or restriction imposed on the educational institution by the Authority in accordance with the regulations in S.L607.03 or due to the revocation, by the Authority, of the applicable license or accreditation in accordance to S.L.607.03.
Provided that where the intending student or the student has withdrawn from the programme before the day on which such circumstances arise, the educational institution shall not be deemed to be so in default
(iv) The educational institution fails to issue all examination and other assessment results to the student upon the student having completed all the necessary assessment requirements of the programme or parts thereof.

7. Studentā€™s Default Clauses

The student is in default and hence not eligible for a refund of tuition fees and any other expenses, such as travel and accommodation expenses, incurred for the purpose of studying in Malta: –

(i) When the student withdraws from the programme either before or after the agreed starting day.
(ii) Where the student not having previously withdrawn from the programme, fails to start the programme on the agreed starting day.
(iii) Where the student fails to pay an amount they were directly or indirectly liable to pay the educational institution in order to undertake the programme.
(iv) Where the student breaches a condition on the student visa.

8. Dispute Resolution Clause

Any dispute concerning the interpretation and performance of this contract shall be settled amicably within 60 days of the dispute arising.
In the event that an amicable settlement of the dispute cannot be reached, the parties agree that any dispute or claim arising out of or relating to this contract, or to its breach, termination or invalidity, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with Part IV (National Arbitration) of the Malta Arbitration Act, 1996 and the Arbitration Rules of the Malta Arbitration Centre, currently in force.
Additional issues which may be regulated by the arbitration agreement:
(a) The appointing authority shall be the Malta Arbitration Centre;
(b) The number of arbitrators shall be three;
(c) The place of arbitration shall be Malta;
(d) The language(s) to be used in the proceedings shall be english;
(e) The applicable substantive law shall be maltese;
(f) The award shall be final and binding and there shall be no appeal;
(g) The arbitrator shall decide ex aequo et bono;

9. Data Sharing Clause

In accordance to article 5 of the Further and Higher Education Act (CAP 607 Laws of Malta) and without prejudice to the data protection provisions established by virtue of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Mediterranean Academy of Culture, Technology and Trade shall grant access to the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) to the information collected through this student agreement. The data shall be transmitted to the Authority within a reasonable time from when it was requested and shall be used by the Authority in pursuance of its functions.

Further information on the privacy policy can be read at this link:

Mediterranean Academy of Culture, Technology and Trade