9 – Student’s Life Cycle

Interested applicants can register online for courses at MACTT which are open to persons who are deemed to have the ability to follow such courses with profit. Acceptance may be subject to a short interview, the questions are standard and are asked to each applicant to ensure consistency. The interview can be done also via web and determines the student’s interest in  the course being applied for as well as the competence to analyse, discuss and interact in a student environment. Most courses do not have specific requirements. Certain qualifications and/or experience may be specified for particular Courses – such requirements are outlined on the Course page on the MACTT website.

The admission processes and criteria are implemented consistently and in a transparent  manner.

Following the screening process students are admitted to the training programme on a first- come-first served basis. Most classes take a maximum of 25-30 students each so that trainers can attend to all individual needs. Potential students who are interested in following a programme which is full, will be advised of the next intake in due course. All applicants will be informed through an email and/or web portal of their acceptance or otherwise. Those accepted will also receive a confirmation letter together with details of the training programme. It can be sent via email and/or web portal.

Other requirements as highlighted above for specific training programmes are defined in the specific brochure and/or web-site dedicated page of the respective programme, to which all interested applicants have access to prior to registration. These requirements are outlined for all applicants to understand the level and standard expected of them as well as the learning objectives of the training programme they are applying for.

With respect to the admission process and criteria, at MACTT we care for consistency and transparency. Students are requested to declare their level of education and other relevant personal data (date of birth, gender, address, email address and phone number, employer if available, etc.) when registering through the online registration form available on the Academy website. All applications received will be treated with utmost confidentiality and in line with all the provisions of the Data Protection Act or its equivalent legislative repealing law, if and when the latter enters into force. The Head of Institute is hence responsible for processing and reviewing the registrations received and she carries out the interview and believes that the applicant is competent to attend the course, a confirmation email and/or a message through web platform is sent to the applicant.

All students are called in for an induction programme before or on the first day of training. During this induction programme, students are made aware of various policies and procedures  outlined in this handbook, the learning objectives and the expectations of the chosen training programme. A tour of the premises will also take place to ensure they are familiar with the venue and should they have any specific requirements, they can inform the Director of Studies and/or the Coordinator of Studies accordingly.

In exceptional cases, students may be accepted without meeting the minimum requirements, but this will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Such cases may include students who have vast experience in the labour market but never managed to acquire academic qualifications. Such cases are decided upon by the Education Board of the Academy so as to ensure that the student can be successful and will not fall behind in class.

Participation in the course is subject to payment unless otherwise agreed upon with the student. Upon registration, applicants commit themselves to pay for the course unless otherwise stated   in the registration section online.

During registration, MACTT will collect relevant data on the student in accordance with national and EU data protection regulations. All previous qualifications as well as new qualifications obtained will be collected in a database for the Academy to monitor students’ progression and allow advancement to higher level programmes when available. No data will be shared with third parties unless approved by the student.

Students will receive documentation explaining the context, the Malta Qualifications  Framework (MQF) level, and amount of learning credits, content and status of the qualification gained in line with NCFHE Regulations upon successful completion of the courses. On course completion, the Academy is committed to provide a certification in line with  communication  01 2013.

The teaching staff, administrative staff and support staff are the beating heart of MACTT and therefore their selection is a critical factor in providing the best learning experience to our students. The Education Board at MACTT are committed to ensuring that the recruitment and selection of all trainers and employees will be fair, open and transparent and comply with relevant legislation in force at the time of recruitment.

Once a job vacancy arises, a detailed job analysis is to be conducted by the Legal Representative and Treasurer in order to establish what needs to be done and what skills, experience and competencies are required and to verify the financial sustainability and the actual need for recruitment. Following the job analysis, a job description and its specifications are prepared which enable us to look strategically at our specialised network of human capital targeting the required skills and sector of competencies. The job description shall consist of the following:

Job Title:

  • Who the employee reports to;
  • The duties and responsibilities;
  • Working conditions including working hours and the working

The Job Specification shall consist of:

  • Key skills and competencies;
  • Qualifications;
  • Experience;
  • Any other attributes required to perform the job efficiently and

In order to ensure the competence of MACTT staff, MACTT commits to apply clear, fair and transparent processes for the recruitment, conditions of employment and professional development of such staff.

The following is an image of the recruitment process used:

Photo-9.7 Mactt

Once the Legal Representatives and Treasurer confirms recruitment is needed, we design a job description which also includes specifications about the recruitment process and the employment conditions, and is publicised on our website and circulated on social media.

Candidates interested in applying as staff at MACTT are requested to prove their competences and skills, as explained in the job description by sending  their CV to the Coordinator of Studies or to the general email address of the Academy secretary@mactt.eu. Once CV’s are received by the stipulated deadline, they are analysed based on the criteria outlined in the job description, the top three are short-listed and are invited for an interview. MACTT is committed  to ensure transparency and fairness in all activities and interviews free from any bias. Should the applicant be adequate, they are engaged and provided with a work contract for their signature in line with the Employment Act. The rest of the applicants are informed that a more suitable candidate has been selected for the post.

When recruiting trainers, MACTT goes a step further as it aims to provide efficient and reputable training services and, therefore, is willing to recruit the most suitable lecturers for the scope of  the training. Emphasis is usually made on two main categories of skills:

  • Sectoral skills related to the different topics covered by MACTT training programmes: the candidate should demonstrate that he/she master the relevant competencies, knowledge as well as sectoral first-hand Therefore, the Academy requires a relevant MQF

Level certification or higher than the MQF Level of the course to be delivered. In particular cases, of objective excellences in a specific sector, if the person has not a qualification, at least 2 years of work experience in the specific field are required.

  • Transversal skills such as innate or acquired communication, leadership, presentation skills as well as personal interests and life experiences are also very significant to be included in the MACTT

Relevant qualifications of candidates will be also scrutinised and ensured by the Board with the support of any experts in the relevant field as identified by them. A copy of the original certificates is required at recruitment stage, together with a police conduct. In cases where qualifications are international, they will be recognised by the Malta Qualifications Recognition Information Centre (MQRIC). All applications and curriculum vitae received will be treated with utmost confidentiality and in line with all the provisions of the Data Protection Act or its equivalent legislative repealing law, if and when the latter enters into force. No data will be shared with any third parties and will only be used for the purposes of the recruitment process.  All applicants will be considered for a position because of their skills, teaching attitude, work experience, qualifications and competencies. No applicant shall be discriminated on the grounds of sex, age, race / ethnic origin, marital status, gender identity, family responsibilities, pregnancy or potential pregnancy, disability, sexual orientation, religious or other beliefs as per the terms of Article 9 of the Equality for Men and Women Act (Chapter 456).